Earlier this year. we issued a dozen predictions, and have seen a number of them quickly validated.
One of the predictions listed what we think will be top media stories that “reporters are sure to be working on this year (though not necessarily in the order)” we presented them.
We picked Google vs. Apple vs. Microsoft and EMC vs. H-P vs. Oracle — shorthand for intense competition across a range of traditional and new battleground technologies. For example, Google Android and Nexus One vs. Apple’s iPhone.
In yesterday’s Wall St. Journal, Ben Worthen wrote, “Gap Widens Between Tech Richest and the Rest,” making the point that, “Over the past two years, Apple Inc., Oracle Corp., Google Inc., Microsoft Corp. and six other large tech companies have generated $68.5 billion in new cash, compared with just $13.5 billion for the other 65 tech companies in the S&P 500 Index combined, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of data provided by Capital IQ.”
It’s an interesting article that shows that smaller companies are facing not only competition from the big players based on technology but also based on the structure of their operations and acquisitions.