Wall St. Journal & Boston Globe Validate Biotech Bubble Trend


The validation is coming in fast and furious regarding our biotech bubble prediction. We said:

Stock market and the biotech bubble. 2014 will be marked by concerns about the health of the stock market. Of the different sectors, rising biotech shares will generate growing concern of a biotech bubble. That concern will affect all parts of the industry, especially startups as VCs start getting nervous about their portfolios. Implications: There’s not much publicly held companies can do – except, as a Forbes reporter once told us, have you company “do better…and boost its share price.” We just think it’s important to understand how editors allocate their resources (reporters’ time and the outlets’ news hole).

The Wall St. Journal validated that with an article, “Hot New Biotech Knows Roller-Coaster Feeling” and the Boston Globe validated it with “After boom, 2014 repeat for biotech is uncertain.”

We know that talking about bubbles can take on a certain air on inevitability, becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. We hope we’re wrong in this case.

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