Looks like Seattle will soon go from being a two-newspaper town to a 1.5 newspaper town. The Seattle Post Intelligencer is probably going to shift to an online-only model, with fewer reporters.
Last week, the Rocky Mountain News went a different route, shutting down completely, leaving Denver a one-paper town.
I know I’m the only one keeping track of this tidbit: but I’ve written op-ed articles for the Rocky, the Seattle P-I…and the San Francisco Chronicle.
And the SF Chronicle isn’t looking too healthy.
I’m trying not to take this personally.
After all, I’ve written op-eds for other newspapers that at this point I don’t want to name in order to help them survive. Back in 1987, I wrote articles for a number of publications that failed before the articles could be published. I felt pretty badly about that, too.
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.
Let’s hope the Seattle P-I’s move to online-only is successful.