Richard Wolpert’s Rules To Follow When Cell Phones Drop Coverage


After yet another dropped call from a friend who calls on his commute home in suburban New Jersey, I thought there must be a better way of calling back.

Check out Richard Wolpert’s description of what happens after a dropped call: “So you both call each other back at the same time and get each others voice mail. So you realize the other person is calling you back (you both realize this at the same time). So then you, and the other person, both decide to not dial again and wait for the other person to call you back.”

He has a simple rule, available at his blog here:

  1. if you initiated the call and it drops you call the other person back.
  2. if you received the call and it drops you just wait for the call back.

Guy Kawasaki referenced it on Twitter, and I plan to mention to everyone I talk to via cellphone.

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