It’s a bit early for our annual report card on our trends and predictions, but I wanted to take a look at one prediction: The battle between the iPad and the iPad Killers, the race for apps and the impact of tablet computing will be a main theme (you can find an extended discussion about this here).
We were right about the battle of iPad and iPad Killers — every new tablet reviewed this year has been reviewed in terms of the iPad. The conclusion: a lot of good tries, a lot of misses, and no other tablet has killed off the iPad 2.
But there’s one aspect to the iPad vs. iPad Killers that we missed. When it became clear that no other tablet would dethrone the iPad, the media shifted to another story angle: the iPhone vs. the iPhone Killer — by which I mean, of course, Android. One of the first of these articles appeared in April’s Wired, How the Android Ecosystem Threatens the iPhone.
Other articles have appeared in other major outlets, including Bloomberg BusinessWeek.
It’s a microtrend we overlooked, but an interesting lesson for those of us who pitch the media. The point is that the media often look for a backlash story, even if it’s not a direct backlash. Even if the target is Apple, which generally gets very positive coverage.