Is Fear of Failing Keeping Some Organizations From Getting Involved with Social Media?


I think fear of failing is why some organizations and some marketing executives have been hesitant to engage on social media. We’ve been providing Twitter Lab Training for clients, and have heard a number of times that a senior manager doesn’t want the organization to get involved with social media.

Those executives raise reasonable objections — like the need for ROI, the need to impact the bottom-line, etc.

But at the same time, they don’t deny what’s happening to traditional media, and that companies need to find new channels to connect to their customers, employees and other stakeholders.

I think some of their concern is that they will fail in the social media world, and that they don’t realize that’s how they — and everyone — is learning what works.

Check out Mack Collier’s blog, Viral Garden, “You will fail at social media,” which inspired my response.

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