Recently Carrie Yatman, a PR specialist in San Francisco, asked an interesting question on LinkedIn:
“Would any of these be in your own 10 Commandments of Social Media…or Top 10 Tips List?”
• Fast Company 10 Commandments: http://www.fastcompany.com/blog/lon-safko/ten-commandments-social-media/ten-commandments-social-media/
• Maccabee Group 10 Commandments: http://www.maccabeegroup.com/images/CommandmentsSocialMedia.jpg
• Wordymouth.com Blog: http://wordymouth.com/2009/05/13/the-ten-commandments-of-social-media-engagement/
• Kyle Lacy’s Blog: http://kylelacy.com/the-10-commandments-to-understanding-social-media/
Check ’em out. Actually, each of those 10 Commandments offer some valuable guidelines.
40 Commandments seems like a lot, yet they don’t cover everything.
Which is a key point: that social media isn’t a commodity the way a press release can be. One organization’s social media experience will probably be different from the next, due to different needs, different set of audiences, different brand values, etc.
A decade ago, a press release was the standard tool. But because social media is new and evolving quickly and because we don’t have a standard set of benchmarks across clients, each organization will need to explore social media, determine what works for them, and then continue to gain experience.
What’s also interesting is, as with the real 10 Commandments, organizations have to make a leap of faith to social media before it pays off.