Gotta Flip about the Flip Marketing Deal with 30 Rock


In addition to advertising on NBC’s “30 Rock,” Flip has embarked on a very clever campaign. It is shooting behind-the-scenes look at “30 Rock” episodes, and then making them available online.

We see side-by-side shots of the real scene and, from a different angle, the same scene as shot by a flip camera.

Very clever way of demonstrating the quality of the Flip. It’s no match to expensive network cameras, but the quality isn’t bad.

Additionally, Flip and the cast and probably the writers, too, have created web-only episodes of the characters using a Flip camera. These are funny, and promote both the show and the camera.

I’d be interested in how much Flip is spending with “30 Rock,” but the promotion work for both brands. It’s TV marketing that’s clever and fun to watch.

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