Forbes Validate Prediction #5 (Again) with Cover Story about H-P & Its the Battle of the Tech Titans


It sounds like a book my kids like: Percy Jackson and the Titan’s Curse or Hewlett-Packard and the Plan to Win the Battle of the Tech Titans.

Ok, so the latter title is a bit long.

But in writing about the “The Battle of the Tech Titans,” in its April 12th issue, Forbes wrote about another story that we said would generate a lot of coverage in 2010: Google vs. Apple vs. Microsoft and EMC vs. HP vs. Oracle vs. IBM.

It’s the second time that Forbes has written a story from our list of the 12 top stories in 2010: Prediction #5: The Top Dozen Business & Technology Stories in 2010 Will Include… Just a few weeks ago, Forbes wrote about 3-D TVs, too. (Forbes & Times Validate Prediction #5 by Writing about 3-D TV.)

Of course, they’ve written about the iPad, but we won’t toot our horn too loudly about predicting that story angle; that was a given.

Let us know if you think there are other story angles we missed, that should be included in our list.

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