Our Year in Review for 2018


In the spirit of that quote from Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it,” we’re taking a look at some highlights from 2018.

We correctly predicted that the news cycle would get faster and shorter — that is: instead of a 24-hour news cycle (which was the case until about a decade ago), we now have news that breaks hourly. Or it seems to break hourly. And then the significance of the news dissipates in less time than ever. In 2018, there were just a couple of news stories that played out over a week. Must were forgotten the next day.
So as a way to remember good things that happened, to look around, here are some highlights of Birnbach Communications’ year:
  1. We generated nearly 36 bylined articles (for our clients and ourselves) this year — nearly as many as we did in the last two years combined. This represents a growth in our thought leadership practice.
  2. Blog articles we wrote for clients continued to drive traffic to their sites. For one client, traffic in 2018 increased substantially over the prior year. We generated 95.46% more visitors than 2017 and saw an increase of 95.24% in terms of new users in 2018 to the site as compared to 2017. The number of pageviews increased by 37.95%. For context, we worked for the client in 2017, too, so it’s nice to see continued growth for them.
  3. In our second year working for a STEM non-profit, we came up with new ideas to extend their reach. Our recommendation to develop a turn-key press release for the non-profit’s partners was successful and generated more than 80 articles in local, education and national media.
  4. We helped a client manage an acquisition by a global player that’s little known in the U.S. Our work helped generate ongoing coverage of the deal and its implications. Our strategy successfully generated coverage and traffic to the site.
  5. We helped generate awareness around funding announcements for clients operating in AI/robotics, healthcare and fintech sectors.
  6. We generated international coverage for a non-profit and provided PR recommendations for an international scientific research institute.
  7. We expanded our experience into agtech, fintech and finance, AI and robotics.
  8. We have strengthened our positioning in thought leadership.
Our work in 2018 helped raise the profile of our clients among key constituencies, drive traffic to their site and supported lead-gen activities. Our thought leadership campaigns led to an acquisition and positioned our client as forward-thinking in their sectors.
We look forward to continued growth in 2019, and wish you the same.

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